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Showing posts from February, 2018

How to make mille crepe cake

MILLE CREPE CAKE This February is my sister birthday and I think I should make something for celebrate her special day. Then I decided to make this mille crepe cake. Why? because this cake is super easy to make. The ingredients is easy to find on supermarket near my house and not that expensive, so yeah I choose this cake. But! the thing is, that these cake little bit tiring me up because looots of the layers I should make, I need to pour and cook a dozens times, but I enjoyed it :') hehehe. So let's get started! Ingredients: Crepe: 6 eggs  2/3 cocoa powder 1 1/2 cups flour 6 tbsp unsalted butter 3 cups milk 9 tbsp sugar pinch of salt Steps: ◇ First, melt the butter on the pan and pour the milk. Heat the milk mixture until it's warm . And then add the sugar and salt. ◇ In the separate bowl, mix the flour and cocoa powder. After that, add the eggs and mix it with mixer. ◇ After the eggs and flour mixed, pour the mixture of

Resep Pempek Pistel

PEMPEK PISTEL      Hari ini aku main ke kosan temen yang lokasinya deket banget sama kampusku. Pas masuk makan siang, temenku itu tiba-tiba usul buat masak aja jangan beli (maklum.. anak kosan hehehe). Bingung.. bingung mau masak apa, akhirnya kita pilih buat masak pempek pistel aja, kenapa pempek pistel? karena kebetulan temenku ini anak Bangka jadi resep pempeknya udah di luar kepala lah yaa. Pempek pistel resep mama temenku ini gampang banget untuk dibuat soalnya gak butuh ikan sama sekali. Bahan-bahan yang kita beli mendadak siang-siang aja masih tersedia di ibu sayur.       Btw, FYI Pempek adalah salah satu makanan khas Palembang yang udah terkenal banget se-Indonesia, bahkan mungkin seluruh dunia. Pempek biasanya merupakan campuran antara tepung sagu dan ikan yang udah dihaluskan naaah tapi uniknya pempek pistel ini enggak menggunakan campuran ikan sama sekali bahkan kita pake isian kates. Kates adalah bahasa Bangkanya pepaya (FYI lagi, kates juga bahasa Jawanya

How to make tteokbokki

TTEOKBOKKI Today I'm going to share to you guys how to make tteokbokki. If you a big fans of Korean things, you must know what this red-spicy-chewy food.  Tteokbokki is the most popular Korean snacks that usually sold in street and a lots of people love it. Tteokbokki has unique flavor, it has sweet,spicy and little bit salty. Tteok (the silinder things) made from sticky rice flour. We can make it by ourselves or buy it on Korea grocery store like LOTTE. So let's start :) Ingredients: ◇ 2 bolied eggs ◇ 1 sheets eommuk or if you don't have it you can use fish balls ◇ 1/2 bratswurst sausage (optional) ◇ 8 chilli pepper ◇ 2 tbsp Gochujang (Korean pepper paste) ◇ 1 tbsp Gochugaru (Korean pepper flakes) ◇ 1 tbsp sugar (if you don't like it to sweet, you can adjust to you preferences) ◇ 1 1/2 cups water ◇ 1 cup tteok ◇ 3 green onion cut it big ◇ 1 cup of cabbage steps: ◇ First on small bowl we mix the Gochujang, Gochugaru, sugar and

How to make Hotteok ( Korean pancake)

Hi guys!      Today I'm going to upload another recipe. This is one of my favorites food from Korea called Hotteok (almost all the recipes that I share is my favorite food, I'm sorry guys hehe). I think I really influenced by Korea especially their food. When I watched Korean variety show or maybe a drama I always see the actors or the comedian eats hotteok. They eat hotteok when they visited traditional market or when they stroll around the street, and the hotteok is always made by Ahjumma or Ahjussi. Ahjumma is old lady and ahjussi is old man. Every time they eat the hotteok, they never wait until the hotteok is cold and eat it while the hotteok still hot (recomended!).       Hotteok is street food made from flour-oil-water and it's has a many types of filling, then we fry and press it with a  tools that have a unique shapes so the roundy ball batter becoming thin. Crispy on the outside and fluffy soft on the inside. There's a lot filling for hotteok like brown

Banana nuggets recipes

     Sometimes or maybe most of the time I always craving something to eat. And I really enjoy snacking! hehehe snacking is the best things to do when I studying or after doing my house chores, I feel like my brain and body can work properly if I eat properly too :') But the problem is, the snack that we bought from stores mostly not healthy and contains a lot of chemicals and that's not good for our body. Yeah, I know maybe not all of the snack is bad, but I still prefer to cooked food by myself.       There's a lot of new kind of food that we can never imagine before, in Indonesia we called that new food as the "jajanan hype or hype snack". The hype snack means a really famous food and most of people want to eat it, not just because the food is tasty but because it is pretty enough for us to post it on our social media. The hype food that I know is like a black burger, a charcoal ice cream, or maybe a wasabi ice cream! sounds great right:)      When you str

Lunch box for today: Jumoekbab a.k.a Korean Rice Balls ^^

     When I'm so busy and don't have much time to cooking, I usually makes something that super easy but tasty and healthy too (mostly not hehe). So today I decided to make jumoekbab. Jumeokbab is one of the Korean recipes that I know since I was a little. Because it's super easy and I don't need to cook the ingredients. Even when I was a little kid, I can make it. When I bring it to my school and the lunch time comes, my friends are going crazy because they super liked it. It's like if I bring 15 balls of jumoekbab they only left 2 balls for me to eat hahaha.  I don't know this is because my jumoekbab is amazingly tasty or they are just super hungry (still a mystery) :).  Why kids love jumoekbab is because the  delicious  ingredients like rice, any types of meats (whatever you like) or veggies and then mix it up with a loooots of mayo! that's why this is one of my favorite recipes, I don't have to wasting so much time when I make this cutie balls. J