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How to make mille crepe cake


This February is my sister birthday and I think I should make something for celebrate her special day. Then I decided to make this mille crepe cake. Why? because this cake is super easy to make. The ingredients is easy to find on supermarket near my house and not that expensive, so yeah I choose this cake. But! the thing is, that these cake little bit tiring me up because looots of the layers I should make, I need to pour and cook a dozens times, but I enjoyed it :') hehehe. So let's get started!

6 eggs 
2/3 cocoa powder
1 1/2 cups flour
6 tbsp unsalted butter
3 cups milk
9 tbsp sugar
pinch of salt

◇ First, melt the butter on the pan and pour the milk. Heat the milk mixture until it's warm . And then add the sugar and salt.
◇ In the separate bowl, mix the flour and cocoa powder. After that, add the eggs and mix it with mixer.
◇ After the eggs and flour mixed, pour the mixture of milk and mix it with mixer again.
◇ The batter texture will little bit watery.
◇ Heat the pan, don't pour oil or butter. You should use non sticky pan.
◇ Pour the batter to the pan like a pancake but thin version of pancake (crepe). Repeat steps until batter  finished. 
◇ On the plate put one pieces of crepe and then on the top of crepe put some whipped cream. Repeat the steps until the crepes finished. 
For garnish, I make chocolate ganache and put sugar poweder

I hope you enjoy my recipes for mille crepe cake :)


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